Fix NPM Error - EACCES: permission denied, mkdir
EACCES: permission denied, mkdir is a permission s error that typically occurs when attempting to interact with packages via npm, such as during an npm install operation. It is often caused by incorrectly using the sudo command while working with the node package manager (npm) which creates permissions issues on directories.
Git Tools - How Do I Git Clone a Specific Commit Using Git?
Do you find yourself in a situation where you need to clone a GitHub repository but only want to retrieve a specific commit from the repository on the master branch? If yes, you can use a simple yet effective trick to get that commit. You can use git clone along with git reset to clone that particular commit and not the latest one. This trick is especially useful when you want to access a specific code version. By cloning a particular commit, you can access the exact code version you need. So, if you want to clone a GitHub repository and retrieve a specific commit, this trick is for you!
Git Tools - Including a Git Repo Into Another Repo Using Git Submodules
Git submodules are a powerful feature that allows you to include one repository inside another. This feature can be particularly helpful if you want to add an existing GitHub project to your project but don't want to git clone its entire repository into your project. This means you can include a library or framework in your project stored in a separate repository.
How To Make HTTP/HTTPS Web Requests in Rust
In this blog post I will show you how to make web requests in Rust using the Reqwest and Hyper crates. Using web requests forms the basis of interacting with many different services such as API’s, AI services, web-servers, microservices, and other connected devices such as IoT devices. Since many of the core features of modern interconnected devices rely on web requests this makes it critical for programmers to understand, implement, and troubleshoot it’s functionality in an increasingly connected world.